Coast of Maine

Casita camping at Lobster Buoy Campsite, South Thomaston, Maine

We weren’t able to get away on our annual North Carolina trip last spring. We had made reservations at our favorite campgrounds on the Outer Banks and outside Asheville when the pandemic hit and the campgrounds closed. Oh, well, at least we were able to sneak in a quick trip to nearby Evans Notch in June, complete with hiking and world class swimming holes, and in September we ventured to the coast of Maine for three nights, and we had a blast!. (Happily, New Hampshire residents were allowed to visit the state without quarantining.)

We brought our kayaks along on this trip (think indestructible Tupperware boats 😜) and paddled around the harbors in Rockport and Camden. It was great fun navigating around the sailboats and fishing boats, peeking into windows, and scooting across the boat channels to avoid being squashed by ferries. (Okay, that sounds a tad more dramatic than it actually was.)

We hiked in the lovely Camden Hills State Park. Mount Megunticook afforded us views of Penobscot Bay and gave Rosie some fun off-leash romping time. She also romped a bit along the seashore. (🎼 This dog was made for romping, and that’s just what she’ll do. One of these days this dog is going to romp all over you… Oops! We’ll try to prevent that last part, though Rosie can be a bit overly enthusiastic, shall we say. Shout out to Nancy Sinatra and her go-go boots.)

Fortunately, Rosie is also happy to chill in the Casita, especially when invited up on the bed. (If this is your first Casita Adventure post, you might enjoy seeing more of the inside of the trailer. Click on the following link. It’s sweet! )

Nice view!

A visit to the coast of Maine calls for lobster 🦞. We discovered a fabulous little place, McLoons Lobster Shack, only a ten minute drive from our campground. It has outdoor seating only (perfect during a pandemic), and the lobster is as fresh as can be. We watched lobster boats unloading right next door. We loved McLoons so much we went twice!

Finally, one of the benefits of camping in September is that the sun sets during cocktail hour. All three nights we set up our camp chairs facing the view below and used a turned-over five gallon bucket to hold our drinks and nibbles. Positively elegant!

Our Casita is now wrapped up in its winter jammies, but we’re already looking forward to our next adventure in the spring when we hit the open road with the trailer bouncing happily behind us. Who knows? Maybe we’ll even be able to scoot down to North Carolina!


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